Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Go Ahead and Party After Learning to Conjugate Fêter

Go Ahead and Party After Learning to Conjugate Fà ªter The verb  fà ªter  is just one word for to celebrate, to party, or to feast in French. Another option is  cà ©là ©brer  and while that may be easier to remember,  fà ªter  is easier to conjugate, so you have some choices about which to use. If you like the simpler conjugations, lets take a look at how its done with  fà ªter. Conjugating the French Verb  Fà ªter Fà ªter  follows a very common verb conjugation pattern. If youve worked with other  regular -ER verbs, then this lesson should be pretty straightforward. Even if this is your first verb of this style, you can take what you learn here and apply it to words like  donner  (to give),  fermer  (to close), and countless others. Before any verb conjugation, we have to identify the verb stem. For  fà ªter, this is  fà ªt-. It is to this stem that we attach a variety of infinitive endings. The challenge in French is that theres a new ending for every subject pronoun within each of the present, future, and imperfect past tenses. That means you have more words to learn, but you will get the hang of it. For example, in order to say I am celebrating, use je fà ªte or to say we will party, use nous fà ªterons. Practicing these in context makes them easier to remember. Subject Present Future Imperfect je fte fterai ftais tu ftes fteras ftais il fte ftera ftait nous ftons fterons ftions vous ftez fterez ftiez ils ftent fteront ftaient The Present Participle of  Fà ªter To use the  present participle  of  fà ªter  as a verb, adjective, noun, or gerund, add -ant  to the verb stem. This results in the present participle of  fà ªtant. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The  past participle  of  fà ªter  is  fà ªtà ©. This is used to form the past tense known as the  passà © composà ©. You will also need to conjugate the  auxiliary verb  avoir  to fit the subject pronoun. As an example, I partied is jai fà ªtà ª and we celebrated is nous avons fà ªtà ª. More Simple  Fà ªter  Conjugations to Learn When the act of celebrating is not guaranteed, you will find a  use for the subjunctive verb mood. In a similar fashion, the conditional verb form implies that the celebrating is dependent on something else. The passà © simple is often reserved for formal writing. While you may not use it often, knowing both it and the imperfect subjunctive form  will improve your French reading skills. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je fte fterais ftai ftasse tu ftes fterais ftas ftasses il fte fterait fta ftt nous ftions fterions ftmes ftassions vous ftiez fteriez fttes ftassiez ils ftent fteraient ftrent ftassent The imperative verb form is particularly useful for  fà ªter  because its often used in exclamations and short statements. When using it, feel free to drop formality and skip the subject pronoun: tu fà ªte becomes fà ªte. Imperative (tu) fte (nous) ftons (vous) ftez

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